Otherwise known as Three Blind Mice.
So this morning I decided that if I am going to get any riding done this week it would have to be before work.
I got out to the barn about 6:30 am and saddled up and decided to do the 6 mi loop on the road over there. We headed over to Forest and up to Froghollow and everything was going well despite the wind and occasional sprinklers to avoid. Shortly after we passed Locher we encountered an onion field with field workers slaving away. Sinwaan was not too sure about all that. He was not really wanting to go at all (just standing and watching), so I dismounted and led him for awhile. All was going quite well until I got too close to the edge of the very soft shoulder and I slipped down the embankment about 4 feet, I saw Sinwaan’s head go up and I lost the rein and then had to focus on my own feet. I scrambled up the slope and got up in time to see Sinwaan galloping away. Groan.
I started running and soon he was out of sight he was moving that fast. I got hopeful when I saw he had taken off through a dirt field to the left before the corner of Froghollow and Last Chance. He must have discovered a fence because he had turned around and was heading back towards Froghollow. I was still too far away but started hollering at him, well that didn’t work. He went down through the new driveway there to the house they have been working on and I hoped it was fenced so I could catch him. No dice. He popped out on Last Chance and kept going. By now there is some traffic, people headed to work and I was just terrified he would get hit by a truck, he was swerving all over the road in his floaty trot.
When it was obvious I wasn’t going to catch him I called Doug because I knew he would head straight for home (and breakfast) and I didn’t want them to be scared if he showed up without me.
After that a very nice guy stopped and asked if the runaway horse was mine (he had passed him coming the opposite direction) No buddy, I just run with a helmet on for fun :) He offered me a ride to catch up with Sinwaan and we got close, I jumped out and he took off again. Agh! So the guy gave me another ride and after Sinwaan turned down Stovall (at least he knows where to go) we were able to get around him and then Sinwaan just stopped behind his pickup and I caught him without any more ado.
I noticed his one fastener to the reins had broken, so I just clipped the other side of the rein under his chin and led him all the way home from there (2 mi) walking/jogging as I could. Shortly after I had control of him and was jogging home Doug showed up to make sure we were ok. He offered to go home to get the horse trailer and I decided no, we were out here for the exercise, I would just be getting more than I bargained for LOL He ended up following us home (at a distance).
WOW what a morning, my adrenaline was so high I was thinking I should go out and do this every day!! I felt great LOL Now I am thinking maybe not, my shins are starting to hurt pretty bad. Heheh