Thursday, June 27, 2013

Trot, trot, trot

It had been a crazy week - working full time and then adding a trip afterwards to VBS for the kids for the next two hours before bed. Matt agreed to take the kids Thursday so I could ride.

Thankfully the heat wasn't so terrible, or I might not have been able to meet my goal of setting a pace and keeping to it. We had a goal going into it of averaging 6 mph, because Sinwaan needs to be able to keep moving, and learn to recover at a slow trot, so that is what we did. Walking to warm up, cool down, and briefly when the road conditions called for it, but otherwise a trot. I think three times I let him stop for a bite of alfalfa since he was doing so well for me. A steady 8 miles and we pulled into home 80 minutes after we left. That is a 10-minute mile, which the math for me is incredibly harder than it should be, but I believe that works out to 6 mph. Someone please correct me if I am wrong!

Progress, which is good to see. He may get a week off now due to both the heat (100 temps) and me caring for a couple of additional critters for the next week.

I'll update again when there is something to report.

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