Tuesday, July 31, 2007

July 31 2007

The last day of July...I was not feeling very motivated to ride (again) this evening, however I knew hotter weather was in store so I had best make the most of the cooler temps. Sinwaan was waiting for me at the gate when I arrived.

I took the time tonight to desensitize him to the clippers and was able to do his bridlepath without too much trouble. I guess the hardest part about that was getting it to look even! I spent a little more time grooming him tonight than I have lately. Still need to take the time to shampoo him however and get that tail white before the ride!

We tacked up and went on our way to Cache Hollow. Tonight I decided to take the dirt trail up into the pea field, which had been harvested about a week ago. At the base of the climb I was suprised to see a small shallow creek, maybe two feet wide and a few inches deep. Sinwaan had to thoroughly investigate this and balk a little but I did finally urge him through. Just a little time is all he needs. We climbed on up the hill and it was quite steep indeed. Looking down into the ravine between Cache Hollow and the field road there was a buck, maybe 3 points. Never would have seen him from the gravel road. There was also a metal post at the top, with a falcon sitting upon it. He didn't move as we rode by. I wished for a camera. We rode around a little at the top but the sun met us and was blinding so I decided to turn around and go back down to do our usual ride. This time as we rode past the falcon, he took flight and floated down into the ravine. It was breathtaking.

Sinwaan wanted to trot down the mountainside but I held him back and got a very slight attitude tonight. I verbally scolded him and it seemed that was all it took for him to behave again. This time the mini creek was no trouble, I think he was able to stride right over and not even get his feet wet.

We reached the gravel and he seemed a little miffed that I was turning him right (up) instead of left (home). We did a fair amount of trotting uphill this time. We reached our 2 mi mark and turned for home. Going home we did an incredible amount of trotting, with a propulsion so fast it was impossible to post with any sort of form. We also did a fair amount of cantering, with one little spook which thrust me into my pommel and onto his neck. With a "UG!" we proceeded and there was no other trouble.

I guess we did about 4 1/2 miles tonight and in 1 hour 5 min! That includes the 1/2 mi walking to warm up/cool down.

As I pulled back into the farm I saw Dale and Kittee talking with a man I did not recognize. Kittee later came up to the barn and told me that he was one of the last original owners of their homestead. He reported seeing two cougars in the area. One was enormous, although I am not sure exactly what that means (other than I don't want to see it up close). One has attacked a horse, the horse ran itself into a fence and broke its neck. Some sheep in the area have also been killed by the cougars. The house up Lincton Mtn Rd with the Appaloosas reported looking out their bedroom window and seeing one of them right there! That is only about 3 miles from McKuster Ranch! So Kittee asked me to PLEASE not ride out alone, or at least carry a gun. Since I don't own a gun, and wouldn't know how to use one, I will opt for riding out with someone else from now on.

I talked with Dale about the possibility of riding with him Thursday after work, and then we talked about maybe riding Friday instead at South Fork. I am waiting to hear back on what he would like to do. He is still recovering from his cracked rib.

1 comment:

Lara said...

4 1/2 miles in one hour, AWESOME!